Community Development Society (CDS) along with representatives from the Manipur State Legal Aid Services Authority (MASLA) participated in the 43rd Kumsim Khawmpi/Annual General Meeting of the EBC Thanlon Division held from 2nd to 4th October, 2020. Upa Lianding Guite, Evangelist, EBC, was the main speaker of the Khawmpi which was organised on the chosen theme –
The Kumsim Khawmpi/Annual General Meeting of the Evangelical Baptist Convention is the largest planning and decision-making convention for the Church in each respective division under its ambit; Thanlon Division in this case, held from 2nd October to 4th October, 2020. Pu Lianzamung Tonsing of CDS and two members of the Legal Team, Pu Songzamang Tombing, Advocate and Pu Paulianmung Tonsing, Advocate were allotted time on the 4th day of the Khawmpi as part of the Social Welfare initiatives of the Church. Pu Lianzamung Tonsing spoke largely on the various Welfare schemes available to the people such as PMJBY, BMSBY, PMJJBY, PMJDY, AYUSHMAN BHARAT, CMHT. He cautioned the congregations how to prevent and avoid form cyber scam, banking fraud and warned not to attend any email or phone call which is not related to their profession stating they were receiving/getting financial assistance form within or outside the country. Pu Songzamang and Pu Paulianmung from the legal team spoke largely on the rights and legal remedies available to the people, as well as the role of the Legal Aid Clinic as an available centre for accessing such necessary legal measures.